About Me

Hi, I’m Erin and I love to travel throughout Europe. When I was in high school, I took a spring break trip to Italy with my AP European History teacher (shout out to Mrs. J for being brave enough to take 20 high schoolers traipsing around a foreign country!) that opened my eyes to the beauty, unpredictability, quirkiness, and life-changing experiences that come with international travel. That trip wasn’t nearly long enough, and I knew I needed to return.

During my sophomore year of college, I had the opportunity to study abroad in Florence, Italy. I lived there for six months, completely immersed in the Italian language and culture. It was incredible, and just a year later, as a junior, I returned to Europe to do another study abroad program in Maastricht, The Netherlands. One of the most amazing parts of living in Europe is that everything is so close. While I was studying, I carved out time for trips to Belgium, Greece, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, and France. After college, I had to “settle down” with a real 9-to-5 job to pay the bills (and the student loans), but I still traveled every chance I got.

My then fiance´ (now husband) and I traveled through Italy for a month in 2013, followed by trips to London (twice), Paris (twice), Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany. We’re planning to go back to England in May with our young son (he’ll be 15 months old at the time of the trip) to explore London, York, and the English countryside. I am so passionate about traveling and experiencing new cultures, and I hope to instill that in my son from a young age.

Obviously the best part about going to Europe is the experiences you’ll have while you’re there, but for me, another great part about a trip is the planning. I love researching destinations, pouring through guidebooks, dissecting hotel reviews, and coordinating logistics. It came as a complete surprise to me to learn that other people don’t feel the same way. For most people I’ve talked to, the planning is the worst part! It’s confusing, overwhelming, and frustrating. Unfortunately, it’s something that has to be done, because showing up without a plan is a recipe for total disaster.

That’s where I come in! If the thought of planning a European vacation puts you in a panic, if you’ve always wanted to visit Europe but have no clue where to start, if you’re traveling with a large group and trying to balance competing interests, if guidebooks put you to sleep, let me do the legwork so you can truly enjoy your vacation. Because isn’t that what it’s all about?!

I treat an itinerary as one big puzzle just waiting to be solved. Which attractions are close and should be visited on the same day to maximize your time? Which museums are closed on what days, and when are they the least crowded? Which tickets do you need to buy ahead of time to save hours of time wasted standing in line? I’ve done trips to Europe with just my husband, but also with my parents, grandfather, aunt, brother, and friends. I understand how to pace multi-generational groups and balance the museums with the wineries with the parks with the castles with the shopping so that everyone gets to experience what is most important for them.

If you’re interested in skipping the headache of planning and want to skip straight into the fun of your European vacation, contact me!